Trattoria run by the Castelli family

The legend, told by Virgil, says that Cortona was founded by the mythical Dardano. He lost his helmet (Corys) in a battle and the grounds where it took place was named Corito. Corito became Cortona, which after being made Umbrian, Etruscan and Roman, in year 1200 became a free city-state under Uguccio Casali. Cortona's medieval history ends with its annexation to the Florentine Repubblic and to the subsequent grand duchy of Tuscany. The 2000 years of history have really made Cortona one of the most characteristic and charming cities of central Italy. Built on a fort of Monte Egidio, towered by the Fortezza Medicea, Cortona introduces itself with its steep streets paved with huge flagstones and with its several old mansions tram the period of medieval communes or tram the Italian Renaissance.
To reach Cortona by car, exited the A1 motorway at the Valdichiana tollbooth, you should turn into the Siena- Perugia highway (Perugia direction) and exit at the second junction far Cortona, reached the SS 71 in Camucia you will find the deviation far Cortona.
Our Trattoria is located in the Via Dardano, in the heart of the old town and can be easily reached entering the town through the Porta Colonia gate or from the Piazza della Repubblica walking up the Via Benedetti. Both routes take you directly to Via Dardano; our trattoria is at number 24.